Have You Always Wanted To Learn To Paint But Don't Know Where To Start, Don't Have Time For Conventional Classes Or Are Worried You Aren't Artistic?
Well I Have The Answer To All Of Those Problems.....
My name is Maria and until January 2020 I had never done anything artistic in my life, in fact I worked in a warehouse pick and packing orders but had long dreamed of learning to paint. My New Year's Resolution for 2020 was to learn to paint but after hours of research online I found very few resources to help me get started so I developed my own system for learning to paint.
After only a few months I was producing paintings like these:-
It wasn't long before I quit my job and decided to concentrate on my painting full time.
In todays busy world there are lots of benefits from taking up a hobby like painting:-
  • Painting supports your emotional wellbeing and it counteracts high levels of stress or anxiety.
  • ​Painting develops your creativity.
  • ​Painting enhances your problem-solving skills.
  • ​Painting improves memory and concentration.
  • ​Painting helps you develop a state of mindfulness.
  • ​Painting helps grow your self-esteem.
There are many successful people who use painting for personnel development and relaxation, just to mention a few:-
  • Johnny Depp (Actor)
  • ​George W Bush (ex-President of the United States)
  • ​Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
  • ​Lucy Liu (Actress)
  • ​Prince Charles (British Royalty)
  • ​Pierce Brosnan (Actor)
So why do these incredibly busy people find time to paint? Because it's helped them become the people they are today
I see my purpose in life, moving forward, as being able to help as many people who are like I was to take those first steps and start to paint so that they can get the same benefits from art as the many famous and successful people who have gained so much from painting.
I've now quit my job and I'm busy developing a series of online courses and tools for people to use to get started with their new painting hobby - my aim is to take away all the barriers and worries about getting started on this amazing hobby.
My courses will be available from later in 2022 and will be aimed at people just like you - if you would like to find out more please keep checking back to this page or register your email address below and I'll keep you updated.
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